smallwalls is a multimedia project based studio whose mission is visual problem solving. The studio
workspace is designed to explore the intersection of ideas, materials, and process. The mediums
include drawing, painting, digital printmaking, sculpture, artist’s books, and animations.
Rotating exhibitions feature individual and collaborative projects.
Located in the Naples Art District at 6240 Shirley Street #103, Naples, FL.
Please check the Open Studio Schedule on the Naples Art District events page. For viewing appointments contact the gallery at 402 201-6160.

“Flora” by Mary Day
My process exists between two dimensional drawing and three dimensional form. The dynamic existing between the two is a fertile ground for visual problem solving. Basket weaving’s historical tradition and construction methods inform me in building organic ‘containers’ of space. Harmony and balance emerge as rhythm and repetition converge.

“Ghost Orchid in Aether” by Gary Day
I was an early adopter of computer graphics in the 1980’s and have continued to combine traditional mediums with digital media for forty years. Today I work with 3D modeling and game design programs, combined with digital printing and hand work for the production of prints, drawings, and digital and handmade artists books.